Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Illegal Goals

The appeals court said that the lower court's goal was not allowed by law (aka "illegal")  The judge was new and the case involved two narratives:

1) Stay-at-home wife abandoned by her abusing spouse who left the state.

2)  A white knight, who although ousted from his home in record pollen, continued to pay mortgages of over $4,000 per month.  [His relatives removed him from Florida.]

Which narrative would you believe?

This male was actually expecting something like kudos from the Judge in the state with the worst housing market.

This male has not received any kudos.  He has received apologies from lawyers not involved in the case.  Judge Charles J. Roberts has demonstrated that he can not distinguish fact from fiction.  I hope his performance has improved with experience.  I hope he is better in criminal cases.

I hope to be able to recover some of my losses for my heirs.  I think Diane Baccus-Horsley should be responsible for half of my losses and my partner's enablers should share the other half.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Pardon Bill

Bill Cosby has lived too long.  John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a philanderer but he got shot in 1963.

Tiger Woods was a saint until his down fall.  I thought he still exemplified "high performance."

Bill Clinton was as powerless as Obama should be when Ole Slick Willy engaged in whatever.  David Gergen helped rescue his Presidency.

Jimmy Carter said something about lusting in his heart.  I'm guilty of that too.

I thought I had reduced my sins to pew possessiveness and road rage.  My spouse decided to leverage every Joe Biden initiative and thought to complicate my life.

She's a 47%'er all the way.

There should be a law against lying to the court in Florida as well as New Jersey.  The Court in Florida should apply the Standing Order to both genders.

President Obama can't fix all the Family Law ills in the country.  His administration dropped Tort Reform so long ago we don't even remember it.

President Obama can issue a pardon to Bill Cosby for all his crimes of omission and commission.

What does our country think typical male behavior is?

Has it changed over the years?