Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Return of the One Grand Narrative

Ferguson, MO, police departments every where, the Baltimore Prosecutors Office, and the Department of Justice now all have "narratives".  Not surprisingly, they are all different.  Jean-François Lyotard described the Collapse of the Grand Narrative in 1979.  Anglophiles have been trying to recover ever since.

Particle physicists recently came up with Theory of Everything (TOE) for an explanation of how we got here and how everything works.  The Higgs Boson, announced on July 4, 2012, was in large part the Cap Stone for what has been called the Standard Model of particle physics.  Focusing on particle physics encourages one to miss the Big Picture.

It is harder to miss the significance  of a description containing "one grand narrative" in the text.  The following paragraph is from a Great Courses catalogue with offers expiring May 14, 2015:

"Explore the monumental 'story of everything' with this brilliant and exciting course that weaves cosmology, geology, anthropology, biology, history, and more into one grand narrative beginning with the big bang and ending with a look into our future." 

The online description for the course says,

"About 100,000 to 60,000 years ago, a species of hominines—bipedal ape-like creatures—began to move out of its home territory in Africa and into the Asian continent. Today, homo sapiens, the descendants of those first hominines—live in nearly every ecological niche. We fly through the air in planes, communicate instantaneously over immense distances, and develop theories about the creation of the Universe. In Big History: The Big Bang, Life on Earth, and the Rise of Humanity, you’ll hear this ever-evolving story—the history of everything—in its monumental entirety from the moment the Universe grew from the size of an atom to the size of a galaxy in a fraction of a second."

You can enjoy learning about this by purchasing this course

Jean-François Lyotard noted the Collapse of the Grand Narrative in 1979.  You can experience its return only 36 years later!


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