Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Design of Experiments

I had one of the original copies of The Design of Experiments from the CORG library.  The Combat Operations Research Group (CORG) had sold or donated its books to the Communications-Electronics Computer Applications Agency (CECAA), a Class 2 Activity under the Assistant Chief of Staff of the Army for Communications and Electronics which was housed in the Forestall building - west near the Smithsonian in DC. 

"Ronald Aylmer Fisher, an Englishman, graduated from Cambridge University with degrees in astronomy and mathematics. His interest in evolution, genetics, and eugenics led to his eventual study of statistical theory. Fisher later applied statistics to agricultural research at Rothamsted Experiment Station. Fisher is credited with much of the original research on many statistical techniques still widely used. These techniques include the method of maximum likelihood, analysis of variance, Fisher's z transformation, randomization, factorials, tests based on correlation coefficients, multivariate analysis, discriminant functions, analysis of covariance, and sample surveys. Fisher taught at the University College, London, and Cambridge University, and served as a visiting professor at Iowa State University and the Indian Statistical Institute. Fisher's contributions to the development of statistics are reflected by the many honors and awards he received from groups all over the world. In 1952, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth."


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